Sunday 10 July 2011

Looks that don't work in Surbubia. no 3

I've only just started this up after my third time trialling my own choice of clothes in Middlesex. The reason I am doing this is because I need a refrain from the drain that is work and I need to be politically apathetic to avoid GMC investigation etc. which I am fine with as the real world is just too depressing.

Look no 1 that didn't work was the jungle dress which will go up later. Look no 2 was the transparent culottes. But the 3rd look that really didn't get off to a good start this morning going to a car boot sale was the one to the left. As my kind friend who shall remain nameless said
"I'm sure it worked in your head but on the street you just look like a petty whore". Thanks babe.

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